Zephyr Dev Summit

Hi all

If you didn’t know, the Zephyr Dev Summit is running at the moment (relevant to the ABC project of course) - there are some great talks - Thursday will be “Developing Hardware for Zephyr” - unfortunately I think registration is closed, but talks will be put on YouTube after

Thanks for the announcement! I’ve got into a few Zephyr projects this year so this could be very useful - I’ll look out for the talks on YouTube.

As an aside, are you big into Zephyr?! I’m a hardware engineer on a bit of a learning curve with Zephyr (+ Nordic Connect SDK & Nordic nRF52833). I’ve made decent progress, but it’s still not my specialisation. If you happen to have any gold nugget resources which you know of do let me know - I’m also looking to find someone who I can bring in as a more experienced consultant for some work if that fits you or you have any contacts which come recommended. Cheers!

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Hey @kevin.bibby im an enthusiastic novice! its such a big, complex project that you can quickly fall down the rabbit hole, and with so many areas of specialty - I have to admit that I have to focus on where I can use it and not worry about trying to learn everything!

Through the ZDS though I decided to get more active in the community, and with some experience of the hurdles getting started with zephyr I have focussed on the Developer Experience, we have a new slack channel called #devenv where you can get involved, there is a working group which is gathering input to improvements (an RFC is open on the project github) and I’m really happy to say the first improvement has been released, in that the docs now cover setting up environments using venvs (something which has been causing people heart ache for a long time)

My advice is Nordic tends to handle things a little differently than the core project and the best place is DevZone and try and get in touch with a local representative. Secondly is to jump into the Slack for Zephyr and chat with people - they are all amazing people who have helped me every time I have asked, and you often come in touch with people in the core development teams. If you have input and feedback from your learning curve, then get involved with the Dev Env project

I’m currently working with nRF9160 devices primarily, but also a little with nRF52840 - im really looking forward to testing the new PMIC chip too. But sorry, im yet to play with the 52833

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Thanks, good to know it isn’t just me then!!

That’s a good idea about slack, I don’t use it, but guess I could, that sort of community group is maybe what I’m missing. I’ve found devzone to be pretty decent for Nordic and SDK stuff.

oo is that the nPM1100? I hadn’t heard of that… will have a read up. The 52833 has some nice features such as USB/5V/105C and I think will become pretty popular for a cross-section of the market.