Vendor Scam Alerts

A client just got ripped off for a couple of thousand USD by a HK site called infinite-electronic dot com, so I thought I’d share that info here and maybe this topic can be a repository for info on other disreputable vendors. If you go googling for a hard-to-find part you could well end up at infinite, whose site looks like that of a profession distributor. Having always had good experiences buying from Asia, I let my guard down and didn’t do any checking on them until it was too late :frowning: They’ve apparently stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past six months:

Not to be confused with (without the hyphen) which is in fact a reputable US-based company.

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Sorry to hear this :slightly_frowning_face:

What was your form of payment?

My client paid by bank wire. Thankfully I didn’t volunteer to lay out the funds myself.

Urg, that sucks. I’m sorry you’re going through that!

Curious about the checking you would normally do? Do you have a list of things you look into?