Teensy Breakout Intro

Originally published at: https://contextualelectronics.com/topic/teensy-breakout-intro/

@ChrisGammell, are you planning on using the Teensy in other projects? or is this just an example of how you would do it if you wanted?

I guess what I’m really asking is, should I be getting a Teensy in order to participate in upcoming projects?


I plan to, simply because it’s my go-to platform for embedded stuff (normally just using the Arduino IDE). If you place an order from OSHpark, there’s an option to add on a Teensy 2 to the order. I usually do that every couple months so I have one around.


I have a couple of Arduino boards at home, including Arduino Nano. I find it impractical to buy another development board (especially that I am not very well financed). Isn’t it rather possible to make a similar Header for the Arduino Nano. I would then try to copy the corresponding design of the CE Header to one that is applicable for my Nano. Is it theoretically possible?

I also have another question: Are we designing this Header just for a sensor board applicable only to a teensy 3.2? Or could we use that Header for other applications? Thanks!

With best regards,

This is definitely possible and was part of the initial concept for the CE header: conform other dev boards to a similar standard. There would be more routing for boards going between the two, but it’s possible to “reconfigure” the pin out of a wide range of commercially available dev boards.

i did not find the teensy kicad libs supplied by contextual electronics, but i did find others.

schematic symbols for teensies

footprints for teensies