Sourcing short lengths of cable

Hi all. I’m looking to test out a few different cables from the likes of Allied, Belden, etc. The problem is that I don’t know if the cable will definitely work in my application (several pairs of semi-sensitive differential signaling), so I need to test.

To run this test, I only need maybe 10 feet of cable. All the normal distributors (DK, Mouser, Newark, RS, etc.) carry the cables I’m interested in, but will only sell spools of 100, 500, 1000 feet, so maybe $500-5000 for a spool. That’s too pricey a test, especially if I’m testing several cable part numbers…

Does anyone know where to source short lengths of cable, or some other workaround?

You can ask the vendor for a sample directly. Some are more helpful than others.

You could try



I want to personally thank you for this.I’ve needed this so many times.


Bingo on Wire and Cable Your Way, thank you! They have several of the part numbers I was looking for. Double the price per foot, but hey that’s the price of the service :slight_smile:


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