Need a specialist to help with a water conservation device

Hello everyone,

Calling all embedded systems wizards! :man_mage: I’m on the hunt for a skilled engineer to help program a device we’re building for water conservation in homes and businesses. Think of it as a gadget with a hero complex—it’s here to save water, one drop at a time.

If you’re passionate about coding, and sustainability, or just want to impress your friends by saying you’ve programmed a water-saving device, let’s chat!

Might be a bit alarmist with the title, which I have now changed. Do you want to give some more details? Things like:

  • Is there an existing prototype?
  • Code ecosystem
  • Required skills, if known
  • Target end date
  • How they should get in touch with you
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Thanks for the heads-up :speaking_head:

I have a prototype working towards live environment implementation in preparation towards a pre-seed round.

Looking for a CTO with a possibilities of becoming a co-founder if they resonate with the purpose -
Ideally an electronics and embedded system engineer, web and AI integration skills, automation and predictive sequencing. knowledge in blockchain, web3 and tokenisation of digital asset will be a plus.

I have a prototype actively sending and reaching payloads using an Arduino Opta WiFi plc.

I need to select the right sensors and possible in the future build our own integrated board to drive units economics.

Target short-term or long-term pick your choice.
You can find me via linkedIn or email

Best regards,

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