I have been on this forum as a reader (aka spy :-D) for many weeks now, it was time to introduce myself!
I am Louis, I am a hobbyist in electronics for many years now. I have decided two years ago that I wanted to try more freelancing in that area. I am already a freelance for years in I.T. but I’ve had enough of this digital/everything in the cloud/nothing physical anymore world and wanted to go back to something a bit more “hands-on”.
In the past two years, I have done several projects with Lora communication, sensors acquisition, automation. (will post some pictures hereunder), but everything was a long path between discoveries and self-learning. I really enjoyed it, but I want now to build a solid base on which I can develop my future projects.
So I am eating CE forum, The Amp Hour podcast, Embedded Electronic podcast, Dave’s youtube videos, books… morning to evening
Also, my next goal is to learn KiCad. I have used Eagle since then, really loved it, but Autodesk is not really consistent in their communication on its future then I thought it would be a good time to move to KiCad.
Welcome. Any specific books you’re looking at? I’m reading Making Embedded Systems by Elicia White, and The Art of Electronics end to end. And a whole lot on globalisation impacts, but that’s another matter.
Thanks! I am currently reading the art of electronics, which is a brilliant book, I really enjoy it! I didn’t know Making Embedded Systems, I’ve looked at the preview on o’really and I’ll order it, thanks!
I’d add a recommendation for Elicia’s book. It’s really good and it’s written in a way that makes it a fun read. I’m also working my way through The Art of Electronics, although Chapters 2 and 3 (transistors, transistors, more transistors) are a bit of a slog!
Also, that LoraWan node looks pretty cool. Anything with metal shielding on the PCB looks very professional to me! Did you do all the design for that yourself? Is it based on a reference design from somewhere?
Cool, thanks for the recommendation! It is definitely added to my order list.
Yes, the lorawan is a full in-house design. It started with the case choice, which gave the shape then it was try/fail/redo. I’ve had around 10 iterations to have everything as we wanted it. Most is coming from the datasheets applications schematics. For the shielding, it was a bit poking and try. I have a Rigol spectrum analyser and some probes, the two idea were :
to be able to use the highest gain on the rf modules without shooting everywhere
to “isolate” the microcontroler and other ci from their industrial environment
But it was far from precise engineering, more poke and try, so could definitely be improved.