I’m a software developer by trade, so I’m inherently lazy In software my goal is if I have a piece of code that I know accomplishes a goal and has been tested, I prefer to re-use code rather than rewrite it and possibly introduce bugs in the re-write.
Now that my KiCad diagrams are getting more complex, I’d like to do the same thing. If I have for schematic for a circuit and footprints I’d possibly use in other designs, (eg. Voltage regulators), is there a way in KiCad to re-use it or reference it across multiple projects?
As a secondary bonus, I’d like to be able to create a PCB of a piece of a larger schematic. I have a cnc mill, where I could mill simple pcbs before building the larger overall board.
Example, being able to pull out or just use the 3v3 regulator of this eschema:
I’ve just finished GTB4, so if this is covered in later courses, or you know of a tutorial, I’d appreciate any information or suggestions.
In KiCAD 4, I have done this using techniques like copying the schematic into the project where I want to use it and use the block-save function. Quite tedious and it took a few tries if I remember rightly. There is now a copy paste option to the KiCAD 5 menu options. Imhave not tried tham out, but perhaps that might help.
Check out the KiCAD Info site. They will surely have other ideas.
Worth noting is that you should not use any global labels for such cases. (Global labels are, well global. So instantiating a file multiple times with global labels in them might create shorts.)
Remember: Power ports are nothing else than fancy global labels.
I’d like to hear more about this, because I’m running into some funny business when it comes to reusing hierarchical sheets.
Here’s what I mean by funny business:
When reusing sheets within a single design, KiCAD keeps the sub-sheet as one file, and makes the uniqueness of each instantiation of the sheet within that single file. (As in, it defines a resistor, then defines the RefDes unique to each instance.) Unfortunately, when I try to reuse that sheet in a new project, it keeps the original references to the original sheets. This would lead to the sheet getting bloated over time with old references. Is there a way to clean this up or to prevent this?
I created a Project, made a subsheet that contained a single resistor, and instantiated the subsheet a second time. I reused this subsheet twice in each of two more projects. If you open up the subsheet.sch file, you see:
AR Path="/5BDFCE97/5BDFCEB4" Ref=“R?” Part=“1”
AR Path="/5BDFCFB5/5BDFCEB4" Ref=“R?” Part=“1”
AR Path="/5BDFCFD0/5BDFCEB4" Ref=“R?” Part=“1”
AR Path="/5BDFCFEB/5BDFCEB4" Ref=“R?” Part=“1”
AR Path="/5BDFCFFE/5BDFCEB4" Ref=“R1” Part=“1”
AR Path="/5BDFD027/5BDFCEB4" Ref=“R2” Part=“1”
It keeps appending a usage instead of removing the ones that it doesn’t need.
I know this is an old thread, but I am really interested in this too. It dawned on me as I was designing the DC power delivery of my first board that if it works well I might as well re-use it every time I need the same DC stages.
Is there an easier way to do this now in the latest version of KiCad?