Interested in streaming?

Sure, I was planning on doing some stuff with RC circuits tonight, we’ll see how that goes. I’ll also be looking at trying out things like the spectrum analyzer and the like.

Did some RC stuff, it gave me an opportunity to show off the spectrum analyzer:

Think I’m going do do some stuff with the logic analyzer tonight. Might try to see if I can write code to talk to a simple sensor or chip. Suggestions appreciated!

Any idea about what time? :wink:

Probably later tonight CST. Not able to really lock down a time, sadly. But will all be available after the fact (have been posting them here)



That’s 7 days straight too! woo, hit my goal!

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… and then on Sunday he rested, is that symbolic? Oh wait, God only worked 6 days before resting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously though, great content, thanks for putting it out there.

…and then on Sunday, he went to a concert (like a hippie)

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Wow, a friend pointed out that there are a bunch of animated gif’s on the AD2 site. This one shows the various digital functions, specifically how to view the high level signals and then zoom in for a closer look:

I have my copy too as well as the hard-bound AOE, non-lab.

This kind of stuff is always motivational for newbies. In actual, not only motivational but help to help in number of solder the board matters.