The first impression of me is that I’m a fat old bald guy! You may as well get that without even seeing me. Unseen, I have a well developed sense of humor, as may be evident in my selfie with the Peanut Mobile.
I’m a retired engineer from Rockwell Collins (now Collins Aerospace) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. My entire professional career was in avionics on teams ranging from small to very large. Coming from a large organization, I believe in following a process, even here in my less pro life, I start ever project with a document using a standard outline to organize my thoughts. This doc evolves and reminds me to think of things like sourcing, testing, mechanical design, etc. This is a large equation that must be solved for ALL the variables to be a success.
I’ve guest lectured to EE students at Iowa State and reviewed their Senior Design Projects. Being a mentor on their solar car project is very fun.